The heat, I think is getting to me...and the days are going too fast and yet they are too long!
And when it's like this I can't even think! I started this post on Thursday evening and nearly fell asleep searching for the right pictures. Earlier today I got up and started digging and searching through my treasures (some newly added~sshhh!~don't tell) Everyone that knows me, knows that I'm a JUNK~ junkie! Somebody stop me!

I find myself again wishing there were two of me! One that could be here manning the shop 24/7 so that I don't miss one customer. And the other one to run to the bank, paint the inventory, price the inventory, shop for the inventory and so on and so on! Oopsy-Daisy I need one more of me for Motherly and Wifey duties! I really wish I could take a poll of what days are best to be here (since there is only one of me!) I started out in February, 2008 with Tuesday - Saturday and added Sunday during the holiday season! Then January of this year I decided to try something different and be here Monday - Thursday and one Saturday per month! And of course I have posted the hours on the doors, my website and tell everyone also! Oh, did I mention that I also take appointments for Fridays and Saturdays. That being said I will be in the shop this Saturday, June 27th from around 11:30 to 4:00 to greet a couple of appointments. So I have provided that window of time that I will be available! If you are in the area please don't hesitate to stop by. And if this time doesn't work for you...give me a ring
817-595-4040 and be sure to leave a message if I don't answer! I would also like to remind everyone of my vintage bicycle raffle! Someone will be the lucky new owner of ~OlD bLuE~ at the end of the Raffle!! Raffle tickets may be purchase for $5.00 a piece. The more tickets purchased...the better the chances!
Thank you for visiting my blog, and let me say that I cherish each and every wonderful comment given!