Greetings from Maureen at Cottage Panache Antiques

So glad you stopped by my blog!
Cottage Panache is currently going through some changes.
Soon, I will be offering items for purchase online. Special event sales will be held occasionally and will be posted here, on facebook and on my website:

Click here to visit the online shoppe!

Click here to visit the online shoppe!
Link to online blog shop

Friday, March 27, 2009


Okay, It took one day for Adam Lambert's of American Idol - Tracks of my Tears soundtrack to hit He was definately not mine nor my husbands favourite idol until Wednesday night. Do not wish to offend but, just didn't understand his look...until Wednesday. what an I-DOLL! Danny was my first choice that I thought would take this competition by a landslide! Adam did a superb job with Smokey's tune. Loving it more than Smokey's version! Had to add it to my new playlist. If you missed the show - just listen to Adam's version on my playlist. I'm sure you will love it too.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thank you

Thank you Nina, (Tiina's daughter) for helping me get my playlist up! Now to go shopping for catchy tunes!!