Yesterday the drawing entries came to an end so that I could draw the names of the winners of the $50 Cottage Panache Gift Card. A little after 6pm I stepped out the front door to visit my next door neighbor Bobby of Cayuse Frame Shop here on Glenview to help me draw but she had already left for the day. So first thing this morning a took the entries to her so she could draw them for me. The first she drew was Brenda Humphries and then the second winner was Wade Jacobsen! Brenda and Wade your gift cards are ready and are waiting for you when you are ready. When I got ahold of Brenda she said that she had never won anything before! I left a message for Wade on his tele.
(The pictures have been cropped as to hide their numbers.)
Their gifts cards await them here at Cottage Panache!I love doing these drawings and I am thinking of more ideas and occasions for more gift card give-aways! Let's see should I do them periodically, monthly or just for special occasions?! Let's see, if I do them for $20 - $25 I could do them more often. What do you think? I would love your input!
Wanted to leave you with some more Christmas Candy ~ I, for one can never get enough!

Thanks for visiting and come back soon!