When I received the letter dated June 20, 2010 (which was hand delivered ~ supposedly before I opened on Thursday~and placed on my porch doormat on the 21st) I was aghast with disgust of their description of my type of store! It read ~ NO JUNK DEALER, SECONDHAND DEALER, SECONDHAND SCRAP METALS DEALER OR PAWNBROKER SHALL TRANSACT OR ENGAGE IN BUSINESS WITHIN THE CITY UNLESS OR UNTIL HE SHALL HAVE OBTAINED AN ANNUAL LICENSE, WHICH MAY BE PROCURED BY COMPLYING WITH THE APPLICABLE STATE LAW AND REQUIREMENTS OF THIS ARTICLE.
It states that I must pay the application fee of $100.00 for the permit and it lasts one year.
They will begin going to businesses on May 17, 2010 and begin enforcing and inspecting and if the permit is not posted at that time a citation will be issued.
Now, I am over the fact that they think that I am a junk dealer! Junque is good ~ right? And I have some good junque here (that's the way I will spell junk from now on~so there!) My question is ~ how can they give us "Junk/Secondhand dealers" less than 30 days to comply? I don't even know if that is legal or not!
Money is tight ~ I just went to the dentist and forked over more than $1500.00 for that work! I paid the local sales tax that I collected last year ~ and paid my personal property tax for my shop and inventory (hey wait a minute ~ I think I paid the wrong percentage! I am licensed as an Antique Dealer on my permit and paid at that rate ~ don't they owe me some money back, after all junk is junk to them. The definition of junk ~ trash and refuse! Junk should be in a lower tax bracket ~ right? I already paid for a license to run this business by registering and getting that most important Certificate of Occupancy after making repairs that the inspectors required of my building! Geez! What's a junker like me to do?
Here's where you all come in ~ please tell me if you will and under no uncertain terms that I am wrong about this!!! Twenty-six days is what they gave us to comply! Are they trying to chase us away from their fair (!!!) city or what? Or are they just broke like the rest of us! PLEASE leave a comment, and if you think, I'm making too much of a dealer about this, let me know that too. Law buffs out there ~ did they give us enough time.? I didn't want to go into full detail about other details for compliance ~ example ~ purchase and selling of goods ~ logging every item with the following: All junk dealers, secondhand dealers and all pawnbrokers doing business or offering to do business in the city shall at all times keep on hand record books in which shall be legibly written by the dealer at the time of any such transaction an accurate description in the English language of the article purchased by or deposited with the junk dealer, secondhand dealer or pawnbroker; the amount of money paid for such article or loaned thereon; the date and time of purchase or deposit; the name, age, sex, signature, residence and race of the person selling or depositing such article; the source and the place from which such article came or was obtained by the seller or depositor, as reported by the seller of depositor; and such other records as required by state law.
A junk dealer, secondhand dealer or pawnbroker shall require every person selling any property to him or depositing any item with him to produce a driver's licence or other government issued photograph identification. A junk dealer, secondhand dealer or pawnbroker shall also obtain from each seller or depositor of any property and insert in the registration book the number of of such identification and when it expires. If for any reason the seller does not possess a driver's license or other government issued photograph identification , the reason for no possessing such license shall be set forth in the registration book.
Each lot, sack, barrel, box or other container of junk or other merchandise purchased by or deposited with licensee shall be kept intact and have written or stamped in a conspicuous place either on the contain or if no container on one of the articles the serial number of the report made as set out in section#$#$*%&-*(*&, which numb er shall at all times be kept plain and legible. Such number shall be affixed on every secondhand article b y means of a tag on which is legibly printed the corresponding serial number of the report of sale and purchase required by section blah, blah , blah, blah!
Unless otherwise prohibited in state law, each item of junk and each secondhand article shall be retained in its original form, shape and condition for a period of ten days after such purchase or deposit, during which time no part of such junk or other merchandise shall be sold or permitted to be redeemed or removed from the business of such dealer.
No junk dealer, secondhand dealer or pawnbroker shall purchase or receive for deposit or have in his possession any article of junk or secondhand article from which the manufacturer's serial number or brand has been removed or obliterated.
Each article purchased by or deposited with any junk dealer, secondhand dealer or pawnbroker shall at all reasonable times be open to inspection by any member of the police force of the city.
No junk dealer, secondhand dealer or pawnbroker shall purchase or receive in pledge or on deposit for any purpose any article from any minor or which may be owned or claimed by or in the possession of or control of any minor unless the parent or guardian of the minor shall state in writing that such transaction took place with such parent or guardian's full knowledge and consent, which written statement shall be signed by the parent or guardian and have thereon the address and telephone number, if any, of such parent or guardian.
Oops, I forgot, I wasn't suppose to be going into great detail, was I! ? Well here's some more junque' you might like to see! So sorry for the rambling!

Now please if you will (I know this was like reading a short story novel!) please leave a comment about my City Saga!
Thank you and Adieu!