I wanted to Thank all of you who have sent your well wishes my way. Yes, a change has come ~ Oh my goodness ~ the move is underway, actually I am all moved out and am working on the details of the new address! The quest to find a location that will work is exerting and exhilarating at the same time!! My location that I have occupied since January of 2008 existed of a 1,000 square foot space with a tiny bathroom and a little kitchenette. That space was hidden behind the main suite of the address and so I tried everything to become noticed! Then in July 1, 2008 I expanded to a 400 square foot space that gave me frontage and the ability to be noticed by more. There were a few issues that made my desire for a new address that prompted my search for a bigger and better location ~ location ~ location!!! Even though I didn't have that new location ready and set I was faced with the right timing also. In February 2009, I signed a lease, but only for six months in the hope of finding a building that was inclusive of all the space I needed without having to walk out onto the patio from the front and back inside to the back cottage to use the restroom, retrieve lunch, coffee or a drink and check on my customers! I also yearned to control the temperature in the front like I could in the back! For at times I would freeze in the winter and was sweating in the summer. This picture is the most recent pics of the shop at 7264 Glenview Dr.!!! This is after filling one million nail and screw holes in the walls!!!! Geez~ and then touching up the paint. It has taken me over a week and a half for the whole process to move out! What was I thinking? So now I am going to enjoy the last month of the Summer Vacation before the kids have to go back to school! There is also much time going to be taken up to prep for a new address for Cottage Panache. I will continue to post updates as it progresses! Lots of before and after shots to come! Sorry I can't post any better pics right now as everything is in storage while the new space is being prepped and spruced.
Think happy thoughts ~ think happy thoughts! Think Septemberish (new word alert) for a Grand Re-Opening!