Look's like a professional boxer here. My poor baby! *~!#~% Baseball! Can we go home now???!

This is Ian with his sweet post op nurse. Back from bathroom run.

Time for popsicles for that scratchy throat. They put a tube down his throat to administer anesthesia.

Back from recovery and waking up. He will have this little nose cast for a week.

What a cut up he is! He's pretty good at stand up too!

Peace!! In good spirits in spite of it all.

Being wheeled out to surgery. What a trooper.

Here we are on the way to Baylor Hospital. Most of the swelling has gone down, believe it or not!

Alot has happened since my last post that preceeded my May Saturday sale. The Thursday before my May sale my HD informed me of a 20% pay cut for everyone at the firm where he works. Ouch... that's gonna hurt. Much stress and care and worry has gone into figuring out how to make ends meet with this major reduction in income. Many calls to creditors, stopping bill pay and automatic withdrawals etc. Not much you can cut out when you are already living pay check to pay check is there? Quarter of the way through daughters braces. Stuck in a Disney timeshare that you can't even use for vacation now because there is no extra money for vacation. Need I go on? The last time we went through this was back after the 9/11 bombing. It took about 9 months to get back to normal. "HD" is an Architect at the firm where he works. Lucky he still has a job...I know!!! It has taken many hours figuring out a new budget. Some creditors will work with you... some will not. Some get down right ugly when you ask if they can temporarily reduce a payment amount. Wonder what they would do if you told them nothing and just stopped paying!!! One of them, when I told them that there were 5 in my household...exclaimed ARE THEY ALL WORKING!!??? I informed her that some of them were school age children!!! I promptly hung up after telling her I would pay what I can when I can!! She really got my goat!!! I'm usually much nicer than that and she brought out the B#!~!!! in me. (Beast) What did you think I said! No - that would be her! Don't they know that it is our preference to pay what we owe!!! They act as if you have some control over it. This economy is driving people to act and do things that they wouldn't normally do! Something's gotta give.
Well, we've gotten through this before and we'll get through it again. Maybe tomorrow I will have shop pics to post. But for now this is what is on my mind. A friend once gave me a book when my father was dieing with bone cancer. It was called "When bad things happen to good people" I wish that I had actually read the whole thing before I passed it on to another person that I thought needed it more than me. It is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel but I know that this too shall pass!
P.S. I can't wait to talk to the sweet lady at Cap1 so I can tell her about my son's surgery and ER and Anesthesia, etc, etc, bills that will come flowing in soon. Geez I guess I'll have even less to pay them. Maybe that will get her goat!!
I know... TMI...but this is the only therapy I can afford right now!!!

This is Ian, my youngest of 4 children. He recently joined his first baseball league. They tell us what a natural talent he is to the game! They can't believe that this is his first time on a team. He plays second base, shortstop and recently was added as pitcher. Cool huh? So first let me say how time consuming it is to get him to practice, sometimes three times a week and sometimes 3 games in a week, but worth it because he is loving it.
The next pictures are not so pretty or cute. You see, Thursday of last week he had a game. He is to be to the games 30 minutes early to warm up. Understandable and needed! For the sake of the game here is my play by play in order to arrive.
Close out and lock up the shop at 5:00, run to the train station, pick up HD, drive to the field on the other side of Haltom City at the Recreation Center. Oh, can't forget to pack his uniform and bag and put it in the Yukon before I leave for shop in am!!! Piece of cake - we got there on this paticular game day 15 minutes early. He proceeds to warm up with the team, we walk to the bleachers and sit, waiting for the game to begin. A few minutes later we notice that we don't see him over there and begin to wonder where he is. About 30 seconds later there is one of the guys helping coach saying: Mom & Dad come here...I think he broke his nose!!! Seems he lost sight of the baseball due to the bright sun in the sky and met the ball up close and personal at the tip of his nose as he peered up at it! They said he never even cried. So after a trip that evening and the results that we received on Tuesday, Doc J had determined that his nasal bone is displace and the septum deviated. Surgery to correct on Friday! Well that was today, bright and early.