Still dealing with the blog issues! I don't know how this happened. I think blogs are under attack! Sound Paranoid?!! You be the judge. It all started after my post about Cupcakes On The Run! Hmm - could it have been... a Sugar Attack!!! Or ~ perhaps Mad Cow Disease! Oh no no no, I think not! So I decided after several attempts to consult the Blog Gods, where I noticed mention made of the error bx ___! It differed in both alpha and numeric, and so I trudged on seeking the evidence that my blog was still alive ~ resting from it for days between! But every time I returned to my quest of the blog gone wrong ~ it was still SICK! I Then on one dreary rainy day (yesterday!) decided that for once and for all I would prevail over the blog error! I was so exhausted and needed to put on my thinking cap! I was then enlightened while consulting my blog fairy ~ Filigree Moon, (Angela!) With her many troubleshooting ideas, I recalled the mention of problems ensuing after others had tried to update IE (Internet Explorer!) Hmmm ~ So without haste I tried again to download the update for IE8. Many previous attempts failed to complete. Determined that this would be the day that I would prevail over the BLOG ERROR! I chose update one more time ~ success ~ but now the real test. Try to sign into my blog with the navbar ~ yet more success ~ and now to try and leave a comment on another's blog ~ YES ~ Eureka! The rain stopped and out peaked the Sun! (I'm not kidding ~ it really did!) So, the moral to this story is - If your blog is ailing - don't give into that error ~ fight back and update your internet explorer ~ it works just like chicken soup! p.s. Let us here from all who have experienced the same thing or something like it! If not, I hope that you never do. Thanks for allowing me to babble!