Lately, I have been getting an email from, what looks like is from friends! The first actually was about a month ago. I called Shirley when I saw this email about shoppybag and inquired what it was - this shoppybag ~ and she said don't open it ~ it's a scam and they were sending to her peeps! So if you get an emil from a friend asking you to join Don't click on this link or open it ~ delete it immediately for it is some sort of a bug where the get into you computer and does who knows what with your info but will surely reek havoc on your pc! The emails first came to my spam but today I got one in my regular in box. DELETE! Just wanted to share this with everyone that hasn't dealt with it yet.
Here are some pics I would like to share of new merch in the cottage, fabulous finds, and some that I am trying to decide whether or not to release from my greedy little hoardin hands stash and pickin collections!
My Third Anniversary Cottage Sale and Antique Flea was a success! We were so busy that we forgot to take pictures AWWW! Everyone braved the winds that came on a warm sunny day.
These are pics of some of the treasures that I picked from my GREAT Pickers,
antiquers/collector that joined me for the day.
I love these cards!!!
In these, which I picked from Alisa's booth, I am seeing a future project/workshop!
Got these clay pots from Alisa! Put them in a section of my new/old! chicken coop I got from Ally!
If you really know me, then you know I have a weakness for old postcards, shells and creamy white ironstone dishes. But when I found these ironstone shell dishes I begged the Lord to hold me back!
Too late, they now reside at Cottage Panache.
I just fell in love with this antique photo album, but haven't done anything with it yet. The photo pages are not all perfect,
but some are in good shape. The latch even works (which I hardly ever find one that does). The cover is celluloid and in pretty mint condition along with the brass working latch (oh I already said that it works didn't I!) It's good to re-iterate some things! I will either have this for sale at the cottage (priced firm!) Perhaps I will try it on ETSY also!

Eenie Minie Moe, what will I let go! Well the ring box is actually a consignment item so definately that will be for sale. They don't make them like this anymore. I had a red one that was almost identical but it sold from the Valentine display. The customer was going to put her beloved parents rings in it for display I think!
I don't know if you can read them but the two heart pins say Nannie on them.
Well, you know I am in the business to sell and I can't keep everything so it's in the cottage for these treasures. More to come soon and I'm now off to price some lace and linens and some wonderful vintage jewelry for Mother's day gifting!
Thanks for stopping by.